Spring Soccer League
Registration for the Y’s youth soccer league is OPEN NOW!

Click here for printable soccer registration form
Watch for flyers to come home from school!
Register in person, or use the following links:
Age 4-6 https://operations.daxko.com/programs/redirector.aspx…
Age 7-10 https://operations.daxko.com/programs/redirector.aspx..
-Preseason starts April 10
-Practice will be April 17 and 24
-First game is May 1
-Last game is June 5
$10 for children included on family memberships
$35 for youth members
$60 for potential members
**Our leagues would not be possible without VOLUNTEERS like you! Teams need coaches, assistants, officials, timers and team parents. Let us know if you would like to volunteer, or you can indicate of the back of the registration form if you can help!**