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Membership rates effective January 1, 2023

Become A Member Today!
Your YMCA membership allows you access to both branches of the Darke County YMCA as well as access to YMCA’s throughout Ohio and the entire country. Just think of the possibilities! If you join the Y today, you can spend your lunch hour working out at a YMCA near work, then come home and take the family to your neighborhood Y. With all the different branches to choose from, your weekends will never be the same. Please note that not all Y’s may honor Nationwide Memberships so call and check before you go.
The New Member Fee is a one-time fee for new members.
Memberships expired over 4 months are considered new members.
Monthly ePay
Rates are based on annual membership fees and can be paid monthly via automatic bank draft or charged to a credit or debit card with no annual contract required.
Membership cancellation, changes, or billing method updates must be done in person at the Welcome Center by the 20th of the month to take effect the following month.
- Heated 6- lane, 25 yard swimming pool
- Free-weight center with dumb bells up to 100lbs, olympic barbells, kettlebells, two power racks, two flat benches, incline/decline benches, Smith Machine, leg press, and more
- Indoor basketball Court
- Racquetball courts
- Gymnastics arena
- Indoor tennis court
- Indoor pickleball court
- Indoor walking/running track – 1/10th of a mile per lap
- Men’s and Women’s (18+) Locker Rooms with Sauna
- Boys and Girls Locker Rooms
- Family/Special Needs Locker Room
- Whirlpool spa- adults only
- Steam Room- adults only
- Cardio-strength room, with strength machine circuit, plus treadmills, elliptical machines, spin bikes, recumbent bikes, rowing machine, adaptive motion trainers, seated elliptical
- Child Watch for children ages 6 weeks- 7 years for member use while using the facility. Children must be included on a family or single parent family membership for use.
- Group exercise studio
- Child Development Center
- Heated 4-lane, 25 yard swimming pool & water slide
- Whirlpool spa- adults only
- Men’s and Women’s Locker rooms
- Special needs/family locker room
- Free-weight center featuring dumbbells, Olympic bars and plates, kettlebells, leg press, squat rack, decline and incline bench press, flat bench press, cable cross over, plyo boxes, and more
- Gymnasium with Basketball Court
- Walking/running track – 1/16th of a mile per lap
- Cardio-strength room with strength machine circuit, treadmills, recumbent bikes, Keiser spinning bikes, elliptical machines, and more
- Aerobic Studio
For safety reasons, no one 13 or younger may be in these areas at any time.
Members ages 14-17 must be supervised by an adult OR, to use the areas independently, must complete the Y’s Teen Orientation to learn how to use the equipment safely. See Welcome Center to schedule.
-Be considerate of other members by observing the 30 minute time limit on cardio equipment during times of high traffic.
-Please wipe down equipment after use with provided cleaning supplies.
-No food or drink, other than water.
-Allow others to work in sets using equipment.
-If you feel unwell, such as light headed or exhausted, discontinue your workout.
-Clothing should be comfortable and functional but not inappropriate. No midriff showing, no bare chest or back, no short shorts, etc. No open-toed shoes or sandals.
-No horseplay; no vulgar or angry language, including swearing, yelling, name calling.
-Please unload all weight training equipment after use and return equipment to its proper locations.
-Do not play music on personal speakers; please use headphones or earbuds for music.
The gym in Greenville features a basketball court, a dedicated tennis court, and a multipurpose court that is used for a variety of activities, including tennis, pickleball, and group exercise classes. Court reservations may be made at the Welcome Center.
The gym in Versailles features a basketball court with an auxiliary gym.
Food and beverages are not allowed in the gym, with the exception of water.
Only athletic footwear is to be worn in the gyms; no street shoes or cleats are allowed.
No fighting, swearing, taunting or abusive language will be tolerated.
Y staff will remove any participant who is behaving in an inappropriate manner.
Please be respectful of others in the gym, as this is a shared space.
Please be respectful of Y property; put balls away when not in use and do not pull on the gym curtain.
LEVEL 2 SNOW EMERGENCY- The Y will continue regular operations at a Level 2, but all classes are cancelled. If the level is lifted before 5:00 AM, all morning classes will continue as normal. If the level is lifted prior to 12 noon, all morning classes remain cancelled, while afternoon/evening classes will resume as normally scheduled.
LEVEL 3 SNOW EMERGENCY- The YMCA of Darke County will be closed and will remain closed for the day, opening the following day only if the Level 3 has been lifted. The Child Development Center will remain open until the Level 3 has been announced. Parents will be immediately notified and asked to pick up their child as soon as they are able. The Center will open the following day only if the Level 3 has been lifted.
Classes cancelled under a Level 2 or Level 3 will not be credited, refunded, rescheduled or made up.
MEN’S AND WOMEN’S LOCKER ROOMS Are for adult members 18 years of age and older.
CHILDREN over the age of 6 years must use the appropriate gender specific locker room.
THE GIRL’S AND BOY’S LOCKER ROOMS are available for youth and program participants.
FAMILY/SPECIAL NEEDS LOCKER ROOMS/CHANGING AREA are for people who have special changing needs: parents with opposite gender children or people with disabilities requiring a handicap changing facility or assistance.
Kit lockers are available for a yearly rental at a fee of $15 per year. Daily use lockers are also available; members and potential members are responsible for providing their own lock for daily-use lockers and should remove items at the end of each visit. Items left will be placed in the lost and found. Locks left on overnight are subject to removal. The Y cannot be responsible for lost or stolen property.
The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited in ALL locker rooms and restrooms.
YMCA programs and events are often photographed and/or recorded for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed or included in YMCA promotional materials, please indicate this to the photographer and/or YMCA staff.
The Greenville Y offers three racquetball courts located on the first floor.
Court 3 can have a net put up for walleyball play.
Proper footwear is required; protective eyewear is encouraged.
No boots of any kind are allowed on the court.
The Steam Room is located in the Spa area and the Saunas are in the Men’s and Women’s member locker rooms. Proper attire is required. For safety and hygiene, please do not shave in these areas. Please help us maintain the sauna. Do not pour water on the rocks.
Out of courtesy to others, do not apply any perfumes, lotions or scented oils while in the sauna or steam room.
State health codes require sauna, spa (hot tub) and steam room users to be at least 18 years old.
FOR YOUR SAFETY– Because the temperature in the sauna can be between 160-200 degrees, and the steam room can be 105-110 degrees, we strongly caution against using the sauna or steam room immediately after a workout. A minimum cool down period of 10-15 minutes is suggested and exercise of any kind is prohibited in these areas. Please exit immediately if you feel uncomfortable, dizzy or sleepy. Staying too long in a hot area may cause overheating. Check with a doctor before use if you are pregnant, in poor health or under medical care.
WHIRLPOOL SPA- The water temperature will be maintained around 102 degrees.
YMCA of the USA and the National Lightning and Safety Institute recommend that indoor pools be cleared during a lightning and thunder storm. For the safety of all our members and guests, we follow the 30-minute rule at both YMCA of Darke County pools. That means the pool will close and the pool and hot tub areas will be evacuated for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. Members and guests must move off the pool deck to wait out a delay.
Please note, classes or rentals cancelled due to severe weather will not be credited, refunded, rescheduled or made up.
• Children 7 and under must have a responsible adult with them in the water at all times unless enrolled in a swim lesson.
• Children ages 8-10 that cannot pass the swim test MUST have a responsible adult in the water with them at all times.
• In order to assess their readiness, a swim test is given to all children prior to swimming in the deep end.
• Life vests and personal floatation devices are not permitted in the deep end for those children who do not pass the swim test.
• Parents or guardians of children ages 8-10 who pass the swim test are not required to stay in the pool area as long as they stay in the YMCA facility.
• All children under 3 years of age and those who are not yet fully potty trained must wear a swim diaper or rubber pants while in the pool.
• All swimmers are required to shower before entering the pools. Additionally, a shower is required following steam or sauna use before entering the pool.
LAP LANES are available for those who wish to swim laps. Members are asked to share a lane whenever there are two or more swimmers wanting to utilize the same lane.
1 length=25 yards | 450 yards=18 lengths=9 laps=1/4 mile.
• Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices may be used in the pool
What you CANNOT bring to the pool:
• water guns & water balloons
• rafts, inner tubes, and inflatables (unless Coast Guard approved)
• sports equipment such as footballs, basketballs, volleyballs, flying discs, etc.
• scuba gear
The lifeguard has final say on what is permitted in the pool.
The track is located above the gymnasium in both facilities.
Due to safety concerns, all children under the age of 13 must be in arm’s reach of an adult and not blocking walking/running lanes. Please have your child walk/run directly in front of, behind, or to the side of the accompanying adult.
ATHLETIC SHOES must be worn at all times.
RUNNERS use the outside lanes. WALKERS use the inside lanes. Be considerate of others by using the appropriate lane and by staying single file or in pairs, no more than two across.
Running and walking DIRECTIONS ROTATE ON A DAILY BASIS. Please follow the directional arrow located near the track entrance.
NO ONE should be using the track for observation.
NO STROLLERS are allowed on the track.
10 laps in Greenville = 1 mile.
16 laps in Versailles = 1 mile.
YOUTH DROP OFF is permitted for youth 10 years and older. Youth members age 15 and younger may not be in the facility for more than 3 hours, unless accompanied by an adult.
For safety purposes, children 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult while in the facility, unless participating in a scheduled program.
For safety reasons, youth ages 13 and under may not be in the cardio, strength, or free weight rooms. Youth ages 14-17 must be supervised by an adult when using the Cardio/Strength Center and Free Weight areas OR, to use these areas independently, they must have completed the Y’s Teen Orientation. See Welcome Center to set up an appointment.